CalHR Issues Telework Stipend Pay Differential Covering All Excluded Employees

Posted: Mar 2, 2022
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On March 1, 2022, the Department of Human Resources (CalHR) issued Pay Differential 453 – Telework Stipend Differential for all excluded employees and for employees in the six rank-and-file bargaining units with a telework stipend side letter agreement.

Excluded employees with an approved remote-centered telework agreement (50 percent or more at home) shall receive $50 per month. Excluded employees with an approved office-centered telework agreement shall receive $25 per month. Eligibility and the amount of the stipend are generally based on the employee’s approved telework agreement as of the first day of the month. Incidental telework does not qualify. No receipts are required for the stipend.

Employees receiving the stipend are not eligible to submit claims for utilities, phone, cable/internet, or other costs. Claims for approved office supplies such as papers, pens, and printer cartridges can be submitted in accordance with department policies.

The Telework Stipend is retroactive to October 1, 2021 for all eligible excluded employees. The State Controller’s Office is already working with departments on implementing the new stipend. When ACSS obtains an estimate of the expected timing of the Telework Stipend payments, that information will be shared with ACSS Members.

ACSS thanks CalHR and the Administration for agreeing to make this stipend available to all eligible excluded employees, not just those employees related to a bargaining unit with a telework stipend side letter.

The CalHR Pay Differential can be read here.

If you have questions about the Telework Stipend, contact your ACSS Labor Relations Representative.

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