Special Open Enrollment for the CoBen Cash Option Ends April 30, 2022

Posted: Apr 22, 2022
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If you are an excluded employee tied to an SEIU Local 1000 bargaining unit and you are NOT enrolled in a state-sponsored CalPERS health plan, you need to enroll in the CoBen cash option by April 30, 2022*.

The $260 monthly payment for this small group of employees not enrolled in a CalPERS health plan is ending effective June 30, 2022. These employees need to enroll to begin receiving CoBen cash in lieu of health/dental benefits (up to $155 per month) effective July 1, 2022.

If you are enrolled in a CalPERS health plan and are currently receiving the $260 per month – no action is needed and this monthly payment of $260 will continue through June 30, 2023.

To enroll in the CoBen cash option, please contact your departmental personnel office and complete the STD702 form.

For frequently asked questions and answers, please review the CalHR Special Open Enrollment FAQ.

If you have questions regarding this special open enrollment period, please contact your ACSS Labor Relations Representative.


*UPDATE 5/3/2022: CalHR is extending the open enrollment period until May 13, 2022 for employees to submit forms to their Human Resource Office.

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