Excluded Employee Pay Plan 2024-2025

Posted: Jul 1, 2024
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ACSS continues to meet with the Department of Human Resources (CalHR) to discuss pay and benefits for the state’s supervisory, managerial, confidential and exempt employees. Although the approved state budget includes spending cuts to government operations and reductions in programs, the budget maintains compensation increases for state excluded employees. CalHR has released the Excluded Employee Pay Plan for 2024-2025.

General Salary Increases effective July 1, 2024:

1, 3, 4, 11, 14, 15, 17, 20, 21 (SEIU Units) 3%
2 4.5% (SSA top step only)
6 3%
7 2%
9 2%
12 4%
13 4%
16 2.5%
18 4%
19 2.5%
  • Special Salary Adjustments and Pay Differentials will be extended to exempt and excluded employees where appropriate. This includes seniority pay for nursing classifications with 17+ years, longevity increases for S07/M07 non-PO/FF classes and S18/M18 classes and the S12/M12 and S13 workforce stability stipend.
  • Although the increases for rank-and-file employees in Bargaining Units 12, 13 and 18 are Special Salary Adjustments for employees at the “top step” of the salary range for 12 months, CalHR has agreed the increases for supervisors and managers related to these units will be treated as General Salary Increases.
  • Exempt and excluded employees not directly tied to a bargaining unit (such as many employees who have an “E” Collective Bargaining Identifier) will generally receive the 3% GSI.

There will be no change to the current Telework Stipend Pay Differential. Although the initial state budget proposal and May Revise sought to eliminate the telework stipend, CalHR has confirmed it will remain as the final Budget Act did not reduce this funding.

CalHR is working on the “Pay Letters” and expects the salary adjustments to be reflected in the July pay warrants. As the pay letters are developed, ACSS will continue advocacy with CalHR to ensure excluded employees receive all appropriate special salary adjustments. ACSS also continues to pursue a resolution to various ACSS’ salary equity proposals for supervisors and managers.

If you have questions regarding general salary increases, please contact your ACSS Labor Relations Representative.

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