Newsom Administration Increases In-Office Work Expectation to Four Days per Week by July 1, 2025

Posted: Mar 4, 2025
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On March 3, 2025, Governor Newsom issued an Executive Order directing all agencies and departments providing telework as an option to update their telework policies to include a default minimum of four days per week in the office by July 1, 2025. You probably received an email from Governor Newsom describing the reasoning for the decision.

The Executive Order says that departments shall consider requests for more than one telework day per week on a case-by-case basis – consistent with existing state policies and governing law (e.g., requests for reasonable accommodations, Family Medical Leave Act, and other existing flexible schedule frameworks addressing personal circumstances). The Department of Human Resources (CalHR) is directed to publish statewide guidance on case-by-case exceptions by March 13, 2025 which will also address employees who do not live near their duty-station and were hired with an agreed upon telework arrangement.

Although the state employer has the authority to determine where work will be performed, the default of four days in the office is not welcome news for many supervisors and managers who have continued to successfully work remotely. The direction also conflicts with the long-standing intent of the Legislature to encourage state agencies to adopt policies to encourage telecommuting as a means to reduce air pollution and traffic congestion while reducing the cost of commuting, stimulating employee productivity and giving state employees flexibility and control.

ACSS has been in communication with CalHR about the new directive and will meet with CalHR over the impact of the revised return to office direction and to advocate for the broadest case-by-case exceptions guidance to allow departmental flexibility and to maximize cost savings.

Read Executive Order N-22-25 here.

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