Apr 19, 2017

CalHR Civil Service Improvement Project Starts Phase 2: Class Consolidation

Over the past year, ACSS spent tremendous effort working with the California Department of Human Resources (CalHR) on the Civil Service Improvement (CSI) Project. Phase 1 aimed to identify and abolish unused job classifications and successfully came to completion. Starting now and within the next 12 months, the CSI Project moves into Phase 2 which proposes several classification consolidation changes that may affect many excluded employees.

According to the 2017 Civil Service Improvement report, the goal of the CSI “initiative is to produce a modern human resources system that will allow state departments to find and quickly hire the best candidates through a fair and merit-based process.” The class consolidation will address the state’s current antiquated classifications system. “A modernized and simplified classification system that reduces the number of classifications and uses standard industry language will allow:

  • An understanding of the various career paths.
  • Job seekers and employees to understand the state’s classification structure.
  • The elimination of duplicative exams and hiring processes.
  • Promotional opportunities with appropriate probationary periods between salary ranges.”

ACSS has been notified of classification consolidation proposals affecting excluded employees associated with Bargaining Unit 10 (Professional Scientific) and Bargaining Unit 15 (Allied Services). The classes affected in these proposals include:

These classification consolidation proposals will tentatively be submitted to the State Personnel Board at the June 1 Board Meeting. If you belong to a classification affected in one of these specific proposals and if you have questions or concerns that you would like ACSS to address, please contact Nellie Lynn, ACSS Assistant Director of Representation, at Your thoughts and input regarding the proposals are important to ensure that the concerns of all impacted excluded employees are addressed.

In this second phase, ACSS is committed to ensuring that the best interests of members are protected when the consolidation of classifications occurs. We have been reaching out to affected members to assess concerns and identify problem areas. In addition, we have reviewed the documentation of the classification consolidations affecting excluded employees and have requested a meeting with CalHR to bring the concerns of members to the table in regards to this topic on May 4th, 2017.

ACSS will continue to keep members informed as we receive important news and updates about the results of this meeting and additional consolidated classes that may affect excluded employees.

Apr 11, 2017

Gas-Tax Increase Bill is “All Good”

Despite some resistance from taxpayers and some republicans, Brown expresses his approval in the passing of SB 1 to increase the cost of gas by 12 cents per gallon to fund transportation projects by saying, “What you see in this bill is good. It’s all good.” SB 1, a $52 billion transportation plan, cleared the state Legislature on Thursday April 6th, 2017.

The California Department of Transportation (CalTrans) currently employs over 3,400 supervisory and managerial positions. ACSS supports SB 1 because we anticipate it will help CalTrans by adding many more positions and opportunities for excluded employees.

Sen. Jim Beall (D-15) claims, “This bill will provide hundreds of thousands of jobs for poor people who need work and it will stimulate the economy.” Beall also authored SB 216 in 2013 to help remedy salary compaction for state managers and supervisors. The money generated from SB 1 is intended to go towards fixing potholes and repairing damaged roads to larger scale projects like a proposed major rail system between Ceres and Merced in the Central Valley.

>>Read more about SB 1 from the Sacramento Bee – “Gas-tax increase to pay for road repair clears California Legislature.

Apr 6, 2017

CalPERS Benefits Education Event in Fresno, April 28 & 29

The California Public Employees' Retirement System (CalPERS) is hosting a two-day CalPERS Benefits Education Event (CBEE) in Fresno during April to inform members in an 11-county area about programs and benefits available to them. This event will take place at the Radisson Hotel Fresno Conference Center in Fresno on Friday, April 28, and Saturday, April 29, 2017. The same program is offered on each day, so attendees can select the day they wish to attend.

Whether new to CalPERS, in mid-career, or close to retirement, CBEEs offer all CalPERS members a wealth of information about their retirement and health benefits, supplemental savings plans, long-term care coverage, and more. Representatives from CalPERS Regional Offices will be on hand to answer questions.

Open both Friday and Saturday from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., the event features breakout sessions specific to both early through mid-career members, and those nearing retirement. Topics to be covered include CalPERS retirement benefits, CalPERS health benefits, and deferred compensation.

For more information and to register for this event, visit

Mar 23, 2017

CSEA Foundation Scholarship Applications Due April 3rd!

Dependents, grandchildren and spouses of ACSS members are eligible to apply for California State Employees Association (CSEA) Foundation Scholarships for 2017. For the last several years, dependents of ACSS have won scholarships, totaling up to $1,500 each. For more information and to download an application, visit Applications and supporting documents must be postmarked by April 3rd, 2017, and sent to CSEA Foundation/Member Benefits, 1108 O Street, Suite 303, Sacramento, CA 95814. Founded in 1985, the CSEA Foundation is a tax-exempt, nonprofit corporation supported by fundraisers and tax-deductible contributions from CSEA members and the public.  

Mar 17, 2017

Success at ACSS Lobby Day 2017!

Click here to view larger.

On March 14, 2017, ACSS members marched into the Capitol and met with legislators to discuss important issues affecting managers, supervisors and confidential state employees. Lobby Day was a resounding success with 114 members in attendance. Thanks to the dedicated members who attended, our presence at the Capitol was visible and our voices were clearly heard!

For 17 consecutive years, ACSS members have participated in Lobby Day to deliver the ACSS message in person to Assemblymembers and Senators. This year, we continued to lobby for the resolution of salary compaction and we asked for support of Assembly Bill 52 (Public employees - Orientation and informational programs, written by Jim Cooper, AD 09). Lawmakers listened to our message and acknowledged our concerns.

ACSS thanks the attendees who helped make ACSS Lobby Day 2017 a huge success. Over the years, ACSS has worked hard and progressed to make our presence known, and is now a well-recognized association that lawmakers pay attention to, thanks in part to the efforts of members who attend Lobby Day.

Assm. Freddy Rodriguez (AD 52) meets with the ACSS Executive Committee after delivering a speech at the Lobby Day Training presentation.

A group of ACSS members meets with CA State Senator Dr. Richard Pan (SD 06) on Lobby Day.

From left, ACSS Members Brian Adams, Rolinda Gomez, Abdou Lyagarou, and Brett Blaydes prepare for their meeting with their Legislator.

ACSS President Frank Ruffino and ACSS Vice President Elnora Fretwell socializing with CA State Senator Steven Bradford at the ACSS Ice Cream Social event.

Please check back at the Lobby Day webpage at a later date to view a gallery of all 2017 Lobby Day photos - coming soon!

Mar 16, 2017

CalHR Policy Update - Leadership Training and Development Requirements

CalHR has added Policy Statement 2801 – Leadership Training to the online Human Resources Manual.

New Policy: This policy introduces CalHR’s new Statewide Leadership Development Model, which establishes a comprehensive framework for meeting the training requirements for state employees appointed to and serving in leadership positions. The policy also provides guidance on leadership training requirements as prescribed by changes to Government Code section 19995.4. These changes require that:

  • Supervisors complete a minimum of 80 hours of training within 6 months of initial appointment, but not later than the term of the probationary period.
  • Managers complete a minimum of 40 hours of leadership training and development within 12 months of initial appointment.
  • Career Executive Assignment appointees (CEAs) complete a minimum of 20 hours of leadership training and development upon initial appointment.
  • All supervisors, managers and CEAs complete 20 hours of leadership training and development every two years.

CalHR’s Statewide Training Center catalog offers a variety of classes to develop state leaders. CalHR will also soon be offering an exciting new cohort based 40 hour manager training program, as well as executive development solutions, specifically and uniquely designed to address the new training requirements for state leaders. For specific questions about this policy and/or statewide leaders training solutions being developed and offered by CalHR, please contact Guy Burghgraef at (916) 322-2402 or

Mar 2, 2017

ACSS Advocates for Pay Parity for CCHCS Food Administrators

ACSS is working with Food Administrators to address their concerns as part of the ongoing agenda at the Quarterly meetings with the California Correctional Health Care Services (CCHCS). The most recent meeting with CCHCS was on February 10, 2017.

At the meeting, ACSS requested that CCHCS join ACSS’ efforts to advocate for pay parity for Food Administrators. ACSS is advocating for salary increases for Food Administrators with the California Department of Human Resources in light of the recent salary increases provided to rank and file in the new BU 19 MOU.

ACSS raised concerns over Food Administrators being assigned duties and responsibilities outside of the SPB Job Specification for Food Administrator I, specifically clinical duties that are contained in the SPB Job Specification for the Registered Dietitian classification.

If you are being asked to perform duties outside your job specification, please contact your local ACSS Labor Relations Representative for assistance. Here is a list of the ACSS Labor Relations Representatives near you.

You can learn more about your rights when assigned work outside of your classification from the ACSS Quarterly Newsletter Q1 2017.

Feb 17, 2017

DSH Release and Transfer of Psychiatric Programs to CDCR/CCHCS

The Governor’s Proposed 2017-2018 Budget included transferring the psychiatric inpatient care program from the Department of State Hospitals (DSH) to the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) and the California Correctional Health Care Services (CCHCS).

DSH provided the Association of California State Supervisors (ACSS) notice of their intent “to release and transfer all DSH staff at DSH-Salinas Valley, DSH-Stockton and DSH- Vacaville, as well as a small number of DSH-Sacramento staff who support operations at the psychiatric programs to CDCR/CCHCS.” The transfer of employees is contingent on the proposal being approved by the Governor and the State Legislature through the budget process.

According to DSH, initially, “organizational structure and classifications will remain the same… However, CDCR and CCHCS are analyzing the classifications and structure. Any proposed action and/or required change will be reviewed and discussed. If there is a determination that a classification/employee is being impacted”, ACSS will be noticed of the proposed change. DSH provided a FAQ, which will be updated periodically throughout this process.

ACSS has requested a meet and confer with DSH and CalHR. Under the Bill of Rights for State Excluded Employees Government Code Section 3533 a “Meet and Confer” means that the state employer shall consider as fully as it deems reasonable, such presentations as are made by ACSS - the verified supervisory employee organization - on behalf of its supervisory members prior to arriving at a determination of policy or course of action.

If you are a DSH excluded employee and have any questions or concerns that you would like ACSS to address, please contact Nellie Lynn, ACSS Assistant Director of Representation, via email at Your thoughts and input regarding the proposed transfer of psychiatric programs are important to ensure that the concerns of all impacted excluded employees are addressed.

Feb 15, 2017

Download the Q1 2017 ACSS Quarterly Newsletter

The ACSS Q1 Newsletter focuses on how ACSS helps members receive their rightful compensation when working Out-Of-Class.  Also, ACSS President Frank Ruffino shares his view on the 2016 year in review.

Download the ACSS Q1 2017 Newsletter now! Or, catch up on previous ACSS Quarterly newsletters

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