Aug 17, 2018

Meet and Confer Leads to Changes for CDTFA Anti-Nepotism Corrective Action Plan Implementation

When departments propose changes to policies impacting supervisors and managers, ACSS has the right under the law to Meet and Confer with the state over the new or revised policies and their impact on members. ACSS just concluded the Meet and Confer process with the California Department of Tax and Fee Administration (CDTFA) over a revised Anti-Nepotism Policy and the implementation of “Corrective Action Plans” to remediate identified personal or family relationships.

As a result of the meetings and ACSS’ requests, CDTFA has agreed to remove all Corrective Action Plans from supervisors and managers’ Official Personnel Files. CDTFA will also seek input from affected employees prior to taking a final action on a corrective plan, including a change in reporting structure or a geographic relocation. Supervisors or managers who currently have a corrective action plan may submit additional information for possible reconsideration of their corrective plan and will have the plan removed from their OPF.

We appreciate CDTFA’s willingness to implement these changes. Note that ACSS’ requests for changes were made after obtaining input from affected ACSS members. If you see an email from ACSS requesting input in connection with an upcoming Meet and Confer affecting you, please give us your thoughts. Your input can help shape ACSS’ position and protect your employment interests.

Aug 3, 2018

CalPERS Benefits Education Event in Garden Grove

The California Public Employees' Retirement System (CalPERS) is hosting a two-day CalPERS Benefits Education Event (CBEE) in Garden Grove to inform members about programs and benefits available to them. This event will take place at the Hyatt Regency Orange County on Friday, August 24, and Saturday, August 25, 2018 from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m..

Whether new to CalPERS, in mid-career, or close to retirement, CBEEs offer all CalPERS members a wealth of information about their retirement and health benefits, supplemental savings plans, long-term care coverage, and more. Representatives from CalPERS Regional Offices will be on hand to answer questions. The event features breakout sessions specific to both early through mid-career members, and those nearing retirement. Topics to be covered include CalPERS retirement benefits, CalPERS health benefits, and deferred compensation.

For more information and to register, visit CalPERS Benefits Education Events.

Jul 27, 2018

Another Successful Delegate Assembly for ACSS

On July 13-15th, 2018, ACSS held its 12th triennial Delegate Assembly to review bylaws and policies, elect the Board of Directors, and elect Statewide Executive Officers. On Friday July 13th, the ACSS Executive Officers held an orientation and two committee meetings to review and discuss the Bylaws, Policy, and Fiscal resolutions that would be voted on at Saturday’s Delegate Assembly.

Saturday's Delegate Assembly held an election for the Board of Directors to serve the next three-year term. The Delegate Assembly also voted to pass all ten resolutions. Newly elected Chapter Presidents and Chapter Officers were sworn-in and took the oath of office to serve for the three year term. Saturday evening featured a dinner celebration that was enjoyed by all. Four past ACSS presidents attended the weekend’s events – Ron Franklin, Tim Behrens, Olin King and Arlene Espinoza.

On Sunday, ACSS held a brief Board Meeting and re-elected members to serve on the Statewide Executive Committee. They were sworn into office by ACSS Past President Ron Franklin.

Congratulations to all the newly elected Chapter Officers, Delegates, Board of Directors and Executive Committee! ACSS Delegate Assembly 2018 was a huge success. View the revised Bylaws and Policy file.

Click here to read the President’s Report.


ACSS Chapter Officers

ACSS Delegates

ACSS Executive Officers swearing in

Click here to view more photos from Delegate Assembly 2018.

Jul 26, 2018

New Overtime Compensation Policy in the CalHR Human Resources Manual

Some excluded state employees who are eligible for overtime may see an increase in their overtime compensation rate effective July 1, 2018. Federal law requires that employees receiving cash related to health benefits have that amount included in their overtime pay rate. This means that employees receiving the FlexElect Cash Option or receiving excess cash under the Consolidate Benefit Allowance Program (CoBen) will have these amounts included in their overtime rate of pay – slightly bumping up their overtime pay rates. This policy only applies to Work Week Group 2 employees. Click here to view the policy (Section 1713) in the online CalHR Human Resources Manual, updated on July 23, 2018.

Jul 19, 2018

CalPERS Update: Earnings and Health Benefit Plans

CalPERS has reported a preliminary 8.6 percent net investment return for the 12-month period that ended June 30, 2018. This is the second year in a row that earnings have exceeded the long-term assumed rate of return, which is 7.25% for the current fiscal year. With assets of more than $351 billion, CalPERS overall funded status rose three percentage points to an estimated 71 percent.

CalPERS has also concluded negotiations with health plan providers for 2019. Overall rates will increase 1.16 percent with members in Basic Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) plans seeing an average increase of 0.37 percent and members in Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) plans will see an overall average increase of 2.83 percent. While these are averages, some plans have significant increases (22.96% for Anthem HMO Traditional and 19.80% for PERSCare PPO) and some plans have significant decreases (-25.56% for PERSSelect PPO). Over the objections of ACSS and other state employee advocates, HealthNet will be leaving the Sacramento market in 2019 and Blue Shield Access+ will exit from eight Bay Area counties in 2019.

Because of the wide variances in rates and changes in plan availability, it will be particularly important to evaluate your options during this year's Open Enrollment period from September 10 to October 5.  CalHR will soon release the "CoBen Allowance" for 2019 which is the state employer contribution for health, dental and vision for the 2019 calendar year. Prior to Open Enrollment, CalHR will update the "Benefits Calculator" on the CalHR webpage which allows comparisons of out-of-pocket costs depending on health benefit selections. ACSS will provide the CoBen Allowance amount for 2019 and a link to the Benefits Calculator when it is available.

Jul 5, 2018

ACSS Meets With Caltrans to Discuss Pay and Benefits for Supervisors and Managers

On June 12, 2018, ACSS President Frank Ruffino, ACSS Director of Representation Nellie Lynn, and ACSS Attorney Gerald James met with the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) Director Laurie Berman and key members of her executive team. Ruffino acknowledged Director Berman was taking the helm of the Department as Caltrans begins to deliver Senate Bill 1 projects around the state. ACSS was an early supporter of SB 1, the Road Repair and Accountability Act, to help California rebuild and maintain our transportation system. In addition to investing in our transportation infrastructure, ACSS encouraged Caltrans to take action supporting appropriate pay and benefits for the supervisory and managerial employees who are helping to deliver these projects.

Director Berman has been with Caltrans for 35 years, holding various supervisory and managerial positions along the way. “Caltrans will continue to invest and provide training for our managers and staff as we deliver twice as many projects as before Senate Bill 1,” said Director Berman. “The department is hiring thousands of people over the next several years to meet the demand.”

ACSS is working collaboratively with Caltrans Labor Relations to identify and address salary concerns for supervisors and managers. We look forward to working with Director Berman on these issues. After the meeting, Ruffino mentioned, “Director Berman understands the important role that supervisors and managers play in project delivery. ACSS continues to appreciate a positive working relationship with Caltrans and to build on the relationship with Director Berman.”

Jun 29, 2018

ACSS Unaffected by Supreme Court Janus v. AFSCME ruling on Fair Share Fees

On the last day of the session, the United States Supreme Court issued a decision in Janus v. AFSCME. This long anticipated decision ruled that non-members of public sector unions cannot be charged “agency fees”, often referred to as fair share fees. In a 5 to 4 vote, the Court overruled a 41-year old decision that said non-members can be charged a fee to cover the cost of a union’s collective bargaining efforts.

While the decision will have broad implications nationwide, there is no immediate impact on ACSS. For rank-and-file public sector labor unions in California and throughout the country, there will be some big changes as they adapt. Impacted unions anticipated this decision since at least 2016 and have been working to educate employees about the value of membership and collective representation.

Jun 26, 2018

General Salary Increases for Excluded Employees Effective July 1, 2018

The Department of Human Resources (CalHR) has informed ACSS of General Salary Increases (GSI) for state excluded employees effective July 1, 2018. As detailed below, excluded employees will receive the same percentage raises as the bargaining unit they are associated with.

Earlier this month ACSS President Frank Ruffino, ACSS Executive Director Rocco Paternoster, and ACSS Director of Representation Nellie Lynn met with CalHR Director Richard Gillihan to discuss issues affecting state excluded employees – including pay raises and retiree health benefits. Following the meeting and the announcement of salary increases, Director Gillihan shared the following with ACSS, “Managers and supervisors are the backbone of California state government. Their dedication ensures we are serving the public and safeguarding the state. I am pleased that the state is able to increase their salaries in recognition of the work they do.” Ruffino thanked the Director for his continued support of excluded employees.

Along with the General Salary Increases, the state budget includes provisions regarding state employee contributions for prefunding retiree healthcare. While some excluded employees already participate, all will soon see an employee contribution as a percentage of salary which is matched with a state employer contribution. The purpose is to reduce the “unfunded liability” for retiree health care which has received substantial negative public and media attention and to ensure that your valuable earned health benefits will be available when you retire. The deduction, expected to appear or adjust with your August pay warrant (received at the end of August/beginning of September), will show as CERBT – which stands for the California Employers’ Retiree Benefit Trust.

 1, 2, 3, 4, 11, 14, 15, 17, 20, 21  4%
 6, 18  3%
 7, 13, 16  2% 
 10  5%
 12  3.5%
 19  2.5%

Exempt and Excluded Employees not directly tied to a bargaining unit (such as many employees who have an “E” Collective Bargaining Identifier) will receive a 4% GSI.

The official “Pay Letters” implementing the salary increases are expected to be released shortly after the Governor signs the State Budget later this week.

UPDATED 7/5/2018

Click here to view Pay Letter1815 for details on the General Salary Increases for Excluded Employees.

Jun 13, 2018

ACSS’ 12th Delegate Assembly is coming up soon!

ACSS is a member-driven organization, run by excluded state employees just like you! Every three years, elected Delegates participate in an Assembly to review and implement the bylaws and policies that govern ACSS. Delegate Assembly is also the stage where members of the Board of Directors are elected and sworn into office. If you are an ACSS member in good standing, you may nominate yourself to serve on the ACSS Board of Directors. If you would like to nominate yourself, consent forms are due to ACSS headquarters before 5pm on Wednesday June 20th! If you are an elected Delegate, Alternate or Chapter Officer, and have not RSVP'd to the event, please do so immediately!

>> Click here for more information about Delegate Assembly – documents, consent forms, important dates, detailed agenda and more!

Jun 7, 2018

Primary Election Results - ACSS Endorsed Candidates Advance to November Election

“ACSS had another great election day with all but two ACSS-Endorsed candidates advancing to the November election under California’s unique ‘top-two’ primary system.

An ACSS-endorsed candidate advanced in 97 of 98 races, including Democrat Gavin Newsom who finished first in the Governor’s race and will face a Republican in November. ACSS was 5 out of 5 in contested campaigns for open legislative seats.”

- Ted Toppin, ACSS Legislative Advocate

Click here to view complete election results. Open seat candidates are in bold.

1 ... 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 ... 71