Nov 21, 2014

Get Your ACSS Chapter Election Nominations in the Hopper!

Posted: 11/21/2014

Want to nominate yourself or someone else for a Chapter officer position , but you can't make it to your Chapter's Open Nominations meeting? No problem! Just make sure that you submit your nomination for yourself or someone else in writing by the date of the Chapter's Open Nominations meeting date.

Nominations can be submitted by:

  • Email to
  • Email to your Chapter’s President
  • Written letter mailed to ACSS Headquarters, postmarked by your Chapter’s Open Nomination meeting date
  • Being present at your Chapter’s Open Nominations meeting and verbally nominating yourself or someone else during the meeting
  • Faxed to ACSS Headquarters at (916) 326-4364
  • Submitting a Candidate Consent Form

If you don’t nominate yourself or someone else by the date of your Chapter’s Open Nominations meeting, then your nomination will NOT be on the ballot for the 2015 election. Official candidate consent forms can be submitted later than the date of the Chapter Open Nomination meeting.

To find out the date of your meeting, check the ACSS Events Calendar .

Your Chapter needs you! Stand up and lead the state’s largest and most experienced organization dedicated to helping your fellow managers, supervisors, and excluded state employees. Positions in the following seats need to be filled:

  • Chapter President
  • Chapter Vice President
  • Chapter Secretary/Treasurer
  • DELEGATE to Delegate Assembly
Nov 19, 2014

“Stubborn, Persistent” Mayor Chuck Reed Attacks Pensions Once Again

Posted: 11/19/2014

It is unfortunate news to ACSS that San Jose Mayor Chuck Reed is once again ramping up his unreasonable efforts to attack pensions in statewide initiatives planned for 2016.

CalPERS comments that changes to the pension benefit levels should be determined by the employer and the employees, not at the ballot box. It is painful for unions and workers that local governments move motions based on the special interests that paid them to get them in office.

Reed argues that the number of CalPERS retirees with six-figure pensions has tripled since 2006 and pension debt for local governments is expected to increase by as much as fifty percent over the next five years. Reed contends that something has to give. Reed says, “For me, it is unfinished business. I am stubborn, persistent, whatever you want to call it.”

Reed mentions that the retirees are the folks that should have the least impact because they are already retired. And he goes on to focus fiscal pension reform on current employees because they have the most capacity to earn. “The younger employees understand that it’s something that’s not sustainable and they are the ones who are going to get hurt.” says Reed.

What are your thoughts on this issue as supervisors, managers and excluded employees? Comment on this article.

Nov 18, 2014

It's Flu Season! CalHR Gives Us Prevention Tips for the Workplace

Posted: 11/18/2014

CalHR released memorandum PML-2014-045 on the prevention and management of illness in the workplace. CalHR recommends the following guidelines for departments to use for absences that may occur due to the influenza (flu) season. It should be noted that while the symptoms are similar, the flu is disticntly different than the Ebola virus.  For more information on the Ebola virus, please review PML 2014-039.

The memo offers managers and supervisors a few important considerations:

  • If employees are showing signs of flu symptoms, employers should encourage employees to stay home or go home.
  • Review the provisions of leave usage in the appropriate bargaining agreements.
  • Check CalHR's Leave Benefits webpage for guidance on the usage of the above leaves.
  • To minimize the impact on operations, consider tele-working or flextime.

Based on recommendations from the California Department of Public Health and the CDD&P, the memo contains links to more information on flu season guidance specifically for Supervisors and Managers.

Cover your coughs and wash your hands often! ACSS hopes you and your employees stay healthy this fall and winter around the workplace.

Nov 14, 2014

What is an ACSS Delegate? Should I nominate myself to be an ACSS Delegate?

Posted: 11/14/2014

Are you a leader? Do you want to continue to shape and mold the ACSS organization into a well-oiled, fine-tuned machine? Then YES! You should nominate yourself to be an ACSS Delegate. Or if you know someone who would be a good candidate for this position, you can nominate him/her at your Chapter’s Open Nominations Meeting.

A delegate embodies the following roles:

  • Establishes the vision of ACSS and executes its business plan for a term of three-years
  • Acts as an “architect” to influence and build ACSS as a leading professional organization
  • Decides how to best allocate the funds in the ACSS budget
  • Echoes the voice of the members and represents the ideals of the members at Chapter Meetings and Delegate Assembly

In addition to an ACSS Delegate, there are other positions in which you can nominate yourself or someone else:

Chapter President:

  • The CEO of the Chapter that manages the business and affairs of the Chapter
  • Supervises activities of all other Chapter officers

Chapter Vice President:

  • Part of the Chapter Executive Committee
  • Assists in the administration of Chapter business
  • Shall assume and discharge the responsibilities of the President while the President is unable to do so

Chapter Secretary/Treasurer:

  • Part of the Chapter Exectutive Committee
  • Keeper of meeting minutes, membership records, correspondence and documents and other chapter records

Your local ACSS Chapter needs you to stand up and help lead the State’s largest and most experienced organization protecting supervisors, managers and excluded employees. Nominate yourself or someone else at your Chapter’s Open Nominations Meeting in November/December 2014. Download a Candidate Consent Form here.

Nov 12, 2014

Traveling for the holidays? Members, take advantage of discounts on rental cars and other travel benefts!

Posted: 11/12/2014

Members, don't forget to take advantage of your benefits and discounts on travel during this holiday season.  Use these coupons and member codes for discounts on rental cars.  Also check out these other great travel benefits offered to you, as members of ACSS:

ACSS hopes you have a safe and happy holiday season!

Nov 7, 2014

Step up and be a leader! ACSS Chapter Elections are right around the corner.

Posted: 11/7/2014

The political mid-term elections were thrilling and ACSS-Endorsed Candidates fared exceptionally well on the November 4th Election Day. ACSS is now swinging its attention to our own organization’s elections. Stand up and help lead the State’s largest and most effective organization dedicated to protecting the careers of state supervisors, managers, and confidential employees! By participating in ACSS at the Chapter and State level you can become an integral voice to help improve the careers of your fellow State excluded employees.

All members are encouraged to attend their regional Chapter’s Open Nominations meeting. During this important meeting, Chapters will accept open nominations for all chapter officer positions in the 2015 Chapter Elections.

Nominate yourself or others for a wide variety of positions, including:

  • Chapter President
  • Chapter Vice President
  • Chapter Secretary/Treasurer
  • Member of the ACSS Board of Directors
  • Delegate to the ACSS Delegate Assembly

Your participation is valuable and vital. BECOME A LEADER!

Check the ACSS events calendar for YOUR Chapter’s Open Nominations Meeting.

Nov 5, 2014

Election Results for ACSS-Endorsed Candidates

Posted: 11/5/2014

ACSS congratulates all of the ACSS-Endorsed candidates' efforts and thanks all who supported these candidates during their campaigns.  ACSS-Endorsed candidates won 90% of the races with a total of 70 wins and 8 losses*. For complete details of each race, visit the Secretary of State Semi-Official Election Results page.

*As of 11/5/2014 @ 12:00pm

70 WINS  |  8 LOSSES

>> Read more for win/loss details...

Nov 5, 2014

New Sexual Harassment Prevention Training Requirements for Supervisors

Posted: 11/5/2014

Cal HR issued a memo in regards to a new training policy as a result of the implementation of AB 2053 (Gonzalez 2014), which amends a provision of the Fair Employment and Housing Act, Government Code section 12950.1.

As of January 1, 2015, AB 2053 requires the state to include prevention of abusive conduct as a new component of the two-hour sexual harassment training for all supervisory employees within six months of appointment and every two years thereafter. AB 2053 also requires the state to incorporate prevention of abuse conduct into the 80 hours of supervisory training.

For definitions on “abusive conduct” and more information, click here to view the official memo.

Oct 30, 2014

Don't Forget to Vote on Tuesday, Nov 4!

Posted: 10/30/2014

On Tuesday, November 4th, mark your calendar to go to the poll booths and vote! (Or, if you are voting by mail, make sure to drop off your ballot at an appropriate drop off facility.) Your vote is your voice.  It's your opportunity to be heard, to hold elective officials accountable for their decisions, and to have a say in important issues that affect your community.  Lets make sure that November 4th is a victory for our ACSS-Endorsed Candidates. Our thanks to those that have volunteered and supported these candidates in their critical races. 

On Election Day, every vote matters!

Oct 24, 2014

Every Vote Counts! Election Day is Approaching Fast…

Posted: 10/24/2014

With the Elections right around the corner, on November 4, there is very little time left to prepare for the election and help ACSS-Endorsed candidates in your area. Every vote counts!


Vote By Mail

Early voting in the General Election has begun! Your ballot should have arrived in your mailbox. If you vote by mail, please help all of the ACSS endorsed candidates by filling your ballot completely and mailing it in as soon as possible.The last date to register to vote in this November 4th election has already passed. However, registered voters have until TUESDAY OCTOBER 28th to request a mail ballot. Please don't be an ABSENT ABSENTEE voter. If you have received your mail ballot, do NOT forget to fill it out and return it ASAP.

Candidate Endorsements and the PAC

ACSS-Endorsed candidates can be found at on our ACSS Political Program Candidate Endorsement page. We have categorized the candidates by location and provided their contact website to make it easy for you to help candidates in your area. The most critical candidate seats that need your help are listed in this recent ACSS blog article.  Supporting these candidates and donating to the ACSS Political Action Committee (PAC) are simple things that you can do to ensure that the right legislators are in office to support the issues that matter to you most, like:

  • Salary compaction
  • Pension protection
  • Fair working conditions for supervisors, managers, and excluded State employees
  • And more!

Your Vote Matters!

As we have seen over the years, elections are won or lost with just a few votes, so every single vote matters in this election. Also, you can take a look at the California 2014 Voter Guide for good information on the propositions and all the candidates. YOUR VOTE MATTERS!

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