Jul 6, 2012

CDCR Alert: Meet and Confers

As the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) moves forward with a drastic reform of California's penal system, the Association of California State Supervisors (ACSS) is meeting with CDCR to protect the rights of state excluded employees.

According to CDCR, the plan blueprint - titled The Future of California Corrections - will "cut billions in spending, comply with multiple federal court orders for inmate medical, mental health and dental care, and significantly improve the operation of California's prison system."

In July and August ACSS will meet and confer with CDCR and CalHR over changes to the working conditions of excluded employees.

Read more about what ACSS will discuss, and how you can help, after the jump.

Jul 6, 2012

DPA releases excluded employee PLP 2012 memo

DPA has released a personnel memo detailing the Personal Leave Program (PLP) for 2012 for excluded and exempt employees.

Your ACSS is analyzing the PML and its relation to the separately released bargaining unit PMLs detailing PLP 2012.

We have arranged a meeting with DPA to address any potential violations of your rights as an excluded employee. Check back soon for details.

Jul 5, 2012

Pension reform will wait

The Conference Committee on Public Employee Pensions will not push a vote on pension reform before summer recess begins.

Inside sources have indicated to your ACSS that the joint parties of the Conference Committee - the Senate Public Employment and Retirement Committee, and the Assembly Public Employees, Retirement and Social Security Committee - will wait to tackle pension reform until after the legislature reconvenes on August 6th.

Your ACSS will keep you updated as more information becomes available.

Jun 29, 2012

DPA releases PLP 2012 memos

DPA has released the following Personnel Management Liaison Memos (PMLs) regarding the "Budget Savings Reduction and Personal Leave Program 2012", a.k.a. PLP 2012:

Your ACSS is analyzing the PMLs now to determine if any of them may violate your rights or unfairly target state supervisors and managers who oversee rank and file employees in the above bargaining units.

UPDATE: DPA has now released PMLs re: PLP 2012 for bargaining units 10, 19, 2, 8, 7, 9, and 13.

See the full list here:

Jun 28, 2012

Pension reform before summer break?

The Conference Committee on Public Employee Pensions is likely squeezing in a hearing before summer recess begins.

Inside sources have indicated to your ACSS that the joint parties of the Conference Committee - the Senate Public Employment and Retirement Committee, and the Assembly Public Employees, Retirement and Social Security Committee - will likely be weighing pension reform legislation on Monday, July 2nd, and possibly rushing it to a floor vote on Thursday, July 5th, just one day before the end of the session.

It is unclear whether the hearings will be open for public testimony.

Your ACSS will keep you updated as more information becomes available.

Jun 24, 2012

Will PLP 2012 work for supes/managers?

The Governor seems to have officially dropped his 4/38 workweek proposal in favor of more flexible options.

A side letter agreement with SEIU Local 1000 - being dubbed PLP 2012 - upon ratification would reduce the salary of Local 1000 workers by 4.62% for 12 months in return for 8 hours time off per month taken at the employee's discretion. The 3% raise for employees at the top step scheduled for July 1, 2013 would remain in effect. In addition, this plan would eliminate non-mission critical retired annuitants.

In our polling, ACSS found that nearly 60% of respondents preferred a new PLP or 1-day furlough rather than the 4/38 workweek.

What do you think about PLP 2012? Will this plan work for state supervisors and managers? Will it work for your office? Will it be more efficient than the 4/38? Will it have a negative impact on morale compared to the 4/38? Is there a better option?

Now is your chance to weigh in.

Take the poll on the lefthand side of our website and tell Gov. Brown your overall opinion about his flexible new arrangement re: budget cuts and your livelihood.

NOTE: You must have Flash player installed to view and vote in the poll.

Jun 21, 2012

Budget deal reached; 5% cut plan still uncertain

The Sacramento Bee is reporting that Gov. Brown and Democratic legislators have reached a tentative agreement on the state's budget.

At a press conference regarding the release of their modified $92.1 billion spending plan earlier in the month, Assembly Speaker John A. Perez said that the Democrats' budget was "not just on the same page" as the Governor's budget, but "in the same paragraph."

An official statement regarding the budget compromise stated that a final vote on the budget is expected in the coming days.

Though it is still uncertain how the Brown administration will obtain its proposed 5% cuts from state employee compensation, negotiations with employee organizations are trending toward reinstuting the Personal Leave Program (PLP).

In our poll re: alternatives to Gov. Brown's proposed 4/38 workweek, nearly 35% of you preferred the PLP to the 4-day, 9.5 hour workweek, which would have drastic impacts on child and elder care, the level of services received by the public, and would have unfairly targeted excluded employees.

Jun 20, 2012

Dangers of slashing pensions

Reuters columnist Mark Miller's recent piece, "Five things to consider before cutting pension benefits" is a clear look at the dangers of slashing public pensions.

In the article, Miller touches on several points that ACSS has presented to the Brown administration - namely that 401(k)s are a risky option for pensions. Gov. Brown's pension plan will likely rely on a "hybrid" scheme, forcing state employees to trust half of their retirement livelihood to a predatory, volatile market.

Read the piece and pass it along to as many family, friends, and coworkers as you can.

Jun 19, 2012

Want more corporate money in politics?

As you may already know, the so-called "Stop Special Interest Money Now" measure that will go before voters on November's General Election ballot will silence state employees' voices if it passes.

The measure will - in no uncertain terms - allow corporations to funnel billions of dollars into the Capitol and dominate politics at a statewide level.

At the same time, it will prevent you from making your voice heard.

State supervisors, managers, and confidential employees rely on state lawmakers to set their salaries and benefits. Are you willing to give up your voice and let corporations do all the talking in the Capitol?

Help ACSS stop the lies and double talk surrounding this measure before it's too late. Watch the video below and pass it along to friends, family members, coworkers, and anyone who will be voting this November!

Jun 15, 2012

ACSS Board Member reappointed to Nursing/Psych Tech Board

ACSS Board Member Todd D'Braunstein, 44, of Upland, has been appointed to the Board of Vocational Nursing and Psychiatric Technicians, where he has served since 2010.

D'Braunstein has worked in multiple positions at Patton State Hospital since 2009, including program assistant and unit supervisor. D'Braunstein also held various positions - including unit supervisor, psychiatric technician instructor and senior psychiatric technician - at Patton from 1997 to 2005. He was a crisis team member at Tri-City Mental Health Center from 1995 to 1996 and a psychiatric technician at Lanterman Developmental Center from 1993 to 1995.

This position does not require Senate confirmation and the compensation is $100 per diem. D'Braunstein is a Republican and has been an ACSS member since 2005.

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