Mar 25, 2016

REMINDER: ACSS Closed on March 31, 2016

Photo credit: By USGov-DOL - USGov-DOL, Public Domain,

ACSS will be closed on Thursday March 31, 2016 in observance of the California State holiday, César Chávez Day.  ACSS will return to normal business hours on Friday April 1, 2016.

Mar 4, 2016

ACSS is Your Voice in California State Politics

ACSS Executive Board Members at the 2016 California Democratic Convention on February 26-28.

ACSS maintains an active political program dedicated to improving the careers and compensation of excluded employees. A highlight of ACSS’ involvement in recent state politics is our attendance and sponsorship at the California Democratic Convention on February 26-28, 2016, in San Jose. The ACSS Executive Board took advantage of many opportunities to speak with influential legislators including CA Insurance Commissioner Dave Jones and our AB 2735 Bill Sponsor Reggie Jones-Sawyer (AD 59). Throughout the Convention weekend event, ACSS spoke with several of California’s most revered democratic leaders to bring ACSS’ message to the table, on behalf of members.


Feb 25, 2016

ACSS Sponsors New Bill to Increase Paid Leave Buy-Back Hours

ACSS is dedicated to improving and protecting the rights of excluded employees. In our efforts to increase benefits for our members, ACSS is sponsoring AB 2735 which will increase the Paid Leave Buy-Back amount for all excluded employees up to 80 hours of eligible unused leave credit per year. Reggie Jones-Sawyer (AD 59) has come forth to author this bill.
Feb 12, 2016

New policy for shift assignments for SRN II positions is coming soon!

ACSS for many years has advocated on behalf of CDCR supervising nurses for a fair policy for shift assignments for Supervisory Registered Nurses (Level II) of the California Correctional Health Care Services (CCHCS). We are happy to announce that a CCHCS policy for shift assignments based on seniority is soon to be a reality.

This new policy would benefit SRN II positions to finally be able to choose shifts based on their seniority level, as opposed to the current policy of shift selection based on vacancy, assigned placement, or operational need.

ACSS will continue to work diligently with CCHCS through the meet and confer process on this issue as the draft is being finalized. Stay tuned for additional updates.

Feb 5, 2016

Upcoming ACSS Chapter Meetings

Heads up! There are several ACSS Chapter meetings coming soon. Join your local ACSS Chapter for a FREE dinner and meeting. All managers, supervisors, and excluded employees are encouraged to attend. 

Don't forget to RSVP. Please contact your Chapter President if you have any questions.  Hope to see you there!

Jan 29, 2016

Download the Q1 2016 ACSS Quarterly Newsletter

Learn more about the Meet and Confer process of ACSS' Group Representation in the latest issue of the Q1 2016 ACSS Quarterly Newsletter publication. This issue explains how ACSS advocates for better wages, hours and working conditions for YOU!  Also, in the President's Corner, ACSS President Frank Ruffino reflects on the achievements of ACSS in 2015, and discusses his vision for ACSS in 2016.

Download the Q1 2016 ACSS Quarterly Newsletter online today!

Jan 29, 2016

What is Lobby Day and Why Should I Attend?

This event is what ACSS is all about! Stand up with your fellow excluded employees and let your voices be heard.

At Lobby Day, the goal is for you to unite with other ACSS members and educate your legislators about the issues that affect your careers. We need to turn out in greater numbers to show lawmakers, the media, and the general public that we want our careers to stay productive and protected! Together, we can make a difference.

Join us and REGISTER NOW before February 19th, 2016. 

Click here to view the photos from last year's event and see ACSS members on Lobby Day in action!

Jan 22, 2016

Pension-cutting Measures Called Off, Possible Comeback in 2018

On Monday January 18, 2015, former San Jose Mayor Chuck Reed announced that he is halting his plans to add two pension-cutting measures to the November ballot. Instead, he and former San Diego Council Member Chuck DeMaio jointly stated that they will push for only one of the measures to move forward on the November 2018 ballot. Labor organizations are rejoicing over this news and predict that the measure appearing on the November 2018 ballot is a long shot.

Reed attributed the regression of the measures to insufficient support from potential funders and says they will “wait for 2018 for higher prospects for a better return.” Both measures performed poorly in a recent poll, which made potential funding supporters wary. Steve Maviglio, a Union Coalition Spokesperson, predicts 2018 will be no better for the Reed/DeMaio pension measures. He says “2018 ballot measure attacking pensions faces an uphill climb. The most likely scenario: pension changes will continue to be negotiated at the bargaining table – right where those discussions should occur – instead of on the ballot.”

This is a positive event for ACSS members and all state workers can let out a sigh of relief knowing that, for the time being, their pensions are going to stay put. As always, ACSS will closely follow this issue and will provide you with updates.

Click here to read the article in the Sacramento Bee

Click here to read Steve Maviglio’s article in Fox&Hounds

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