Jul 31, 2015

Legislative Analysts Office Comments on Proposed Pension Measure


The Legislative Analysts Office released a report of its analysis of the latest DeMaio/Reed Pension Measure. In concurrence with ACSS’ standpoint, the LAO also feels that “There is significant uncertainty as to the magnitude, timing, and direction of fiscal efforts of this measure and its effects on current and future governmental employees compensation.” In addition, David Low, Chairman of Californians for Retirement Security, compares the measure to the “Trojan horse that will undermine the retirement security of millions.”

Click here to read the press release on the LAO’s analysis.

In addition, the LAO has also released full text of the ballot proposal for more in-depth specifics.

Jul 29, 2015

Proposed Pension Reform Measure FAQ’s: What does the “Voter Empowerment Act” really do?

Are you confused about the latest pension reform proposal?

  • How will it affect you and your pension?
  • How will this measure impact California’s economy?
  • What does “Voter Empowerment” really mean?

It is easy to misinterpret the latest proposed pension measure that Chuck Reed and Carl DeMaio hope to put on the 2016 ballot. Contradictory to its name, the Voter Empowerment Act is an attack on the rightful retirement benefits of all state workers. has provided ACSS with an exclusive and thorough Frequently Asked Questions document to help you fully understand the scope of this controversial proposed ballot measure. Make sure you have the facts!

Jul 24, 2015

Analysis of Reed/DeMaio Pension Reform Measure Reveals Deception and Breaks 60-Year-Old “California Rule”

Sacramento labor attorney Lance Olson weighs in on the latest pension reform measure proposed by Reed and DeMaio called the “Voter Empowerment Act of 2016”. Further analysis of the language of the measure reveals confusing, detrimental and contradictory verbiage. “I’ve looked at a lot of initiatives, and this one is pretty far out there.” Olson tells Capital & Main. The measure cleverly hides language that attempts to uproot 60 years of statutory law by bypassing the collective bargaining process altogether.

Furthermore, Amy Brown, publisher and editor of the statewide monthly Public Retirement Journal, chimes in and explains “The proposal attempts to eliminate all vested benefits rights for future and current employees.” If the collective bargaining process is bypassed and pension-changing measures are put on the ballot, voters could potentially (and inadvertently) vote for decreased pension contributions, and without bargaining, nothing could stop it from happening.

The 60-year-old “California Rule” established that the retirement plan in effect at the time of a public employee’s hire can’t be changed unilaterally. It is part of the California Constitution’s Contract Clause as a primary vested right, and also makes future pension benefits earned at the job a collateral right. The Voter Empowerment Act clearly violates these fundamental laws.

Reed’s initiative's fate now resides in the hands of Kamala Harris who must give it an official ballot title and summary. Naming the measure will impact Reed/DeMaio’s ability to raise the $3.5 million and 560,000 signatures needed to be on the ballot.

ACSS strongly stands against this measure and will continue to monitor it and provide you with updates.

To read the entire Huffington Post article on this topic, click here.

Jul 22, 2015

CSEA Foundation Announces Scholarship Winners, 3 Sponsored by ACSS

CSEA announced the winners of the CSEA Foundation $1500 Scholarship for 2015.  Three of the eight winners were sponsored by ACSS members. Congratulations to all recipients of the CSEA Foundation Scholarship!

Joseph W. Delgado, Christian Brothers High School, Sacramento, CA
     Sponsoring Member: Jamie Delgado, ACSS Chapter 503


Miguel Macias, Pleasant Grove High School, Sacramento, CA
     Sponsoring Member: Margarita Macias, ACSS Chapter 503


Kassandra Rascon, Palo Verde High School, Blythe, CA
     Sponsoring Member: Obdulia Magadan, ACSS Chapter 514

Click here to read full press release.

Jul 20, 2015

ACSS Delegate Assembly Conducts Business and Appoints New Executive Committee

ACSS held its Delegate Assembly over the past weekend on July 17-19, 2015.  Friday's events started out with a Bylaws and Policy Committee meeting along with a Finance Committee meeting. Saturday's Delegate Assembly held an election for the selection of the new Board of Directors to serve the next three-year term. The Delegate Assembly also passed all four resolutions presented before the board.  Newly elected Chapter Presidents and Chapter Officers were sworn-in and took the oath of office to serve on their upcoming 3-year term. Saturday evening featured an "Evening Under The Stars" dinner dance party that was enjoyed by all.  Sunday, ACSS held a Board Meeting and elected a new Executive Committee to oversee the organization, and was sworn into office by CA Insurance Commissioner Dave Jones. Arlene Espinoza concluded her 6 years as ACSS President and handed over the gavel to newly elected ACSS President Frank Ruffino.

Congratulations to all the newly elected Chapter Officers, Delegates, Board of Directors and Executive Committee!  ACSS Delegate Assembly 2015 was a huge success. 

ACSS Chapter Officers 2015

ACSS Board of Directors 2015-2018

ACSS Executive Committee being sworn in by CA Insurance Commissioner, Dave Jones.


Arlene Espinoza, ACSS former President, handing over the gavel to newly elected ACSS President Frank Ruffino.

Jul 7, 2015

Special Salary Adjustment and General Salary Increase Helps Relieve Some Compaction

CalHR releases a 2.5% GSI Across the Board and an Additional SSA for select Supervisors and Managers.


In ACSS’ diligent efforts to fight compaction, CalHR released a notification of a Special Salary Adjustment (SSA) to address compaction for Managerial and Supervisory positions, on top of a 2.5% General Salary Increase (GSI) across the board! This is quite a victory for excluded state employees and the SSA for those select positions should feel the relief soon. Both policies take effect retroactively as of July 1, 2015. In the 4-page memo, CalHR provides specific percentages for salary increases for specific classes. The SSA is a result of the final rendition of the Administration’s 2015-2016 State Budget. ACSS has worked hard in collaboration with CalHR, advocating this salary increase on behalf of excluded employees, especially those affected by compaction. More details are being discussed this week and, as usual, we will continue to monitor this issue and provide you with important updates. ACSS will also continue its efforts to advocate for equitable salary and benefits for excluded employees.

>> Click here to view the official CalHR Pay Letter (Pages 19 - 34 refer to managers, supervisors and other excluded employees).

Jul 6, 2015

ACSS Quarterly Q3 2015 - State Budget and Legislation Issue


If you have not already received your copy of ACSS' Quarterly Newsletter, you can download it here! Q3 2015 focuses on ACSS protecting your interests in the State Budget Process and in Legislation. For back issues, check out our Quarterly newsletters on the ACSS website.

Jun 26, 2015

Reminder - ACSS Closed on Friday July 3rd

Just a friendly reminder that ACSS will be closed on Friday July 3 in observance of Independence Day. Hope you have a safe and happy holiday weekend!

Jun 25, 2015

Brown Signs Budget - $115.4 Billion for General Fund

On June 25, 2015, Governor Jerry Brown signed the $115.4 billion general fund budget and shortly after, tweeted “Budget signed. Onto the health care & transportation special sessions.”  In a nutshell, the spending plan focuses heavily on increasing funding for state-funded preschools and universities and will also expand Medi-Cal coverage to undocumented children. Hot items like health care and construction/repairing roads were pushed out of the budget process and will be addressed separately.  

Click here to read the full article on the SacBee website.

Jun 17, 2015

Reed and DeMaio propose a new attack on pensions

Chuck Reed and Carl DeMaio are back and are dishing out another attack on pensions. Their newest measure, released June 4, 2015, is called “The Voter Empowerment Act of 2016” and it would allow for voters to make adjustments to future pension plans without political interference. Essentially, it would shift all new public employees from the various defined-benefit plans currently in place to 401(k) plans and lock them in place beginning 2019. Voters would then be able to vote on pension enhancements and whether to continue offering traditional pensions after 2019.

Dave Low, chairman of Californians for Retirement Security, swiftly reacted by calling the measure as “yet another destined-to-fail attempt to eliminate the retirement security of public employees”. Labor leaders contest that this measure will be tied up in the courts for years and cost Reed and DeMaio an estimated $30 million to mount a credible campaign against an opposition that has vowed to spend twice that to defeat it.

As always, ACSS intends to stand up for the rights of state excluded employees and oppose pension reform. Your pension is your rightfully defined benefit that should not be diminished or modified. We will continue to monitor this issue and provide updates as they occur.

Click here to read more about this proposed measure in an article from the San Diego Free Press.

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