Feb 19, 2014

CCHCS surveying all medical care staff

California Correctional Health Care Services (CCHCS) has announced that they will be conducting a "Patient Safety Culture Survey" of all medical care staff, including mental health and dental care.

Per CCHCS, the survey should run through March 7, 2014.

If you have any concerns regarding this survey, please direct them to ACSS Senior Labor Relations Representative Nellie D. Lynn at

Feb 11, 2014

Did you register for Lobby Day yet?

The deadline to register for our annual lobbying event is drawing near.

We'll provide accomodations, training, and even reimburse ACSS members who wish to attend and register prior to the February 20th deadline.

If you're ready to take a stand for better salaries, benefits, and working conditions for state supervisors, managers, and confidential employees, this is a great way to get involved.

Feb 11, 2014

Long Term Disability premiums drop

CalHR has released an official PML detailing rate drops across the board for Long Term Disability Insurance Program for excluded employees.

The PML notes that the premium rate reduction - effective April 1, 2014 - will not affect the insurance benefits, which will stay the same.

See the full PML for the new rates and additional information.

Feb 7, 2014

Stand for issues and candidates that benefit you

Are you tired of hearing negative spin about state employees from elected officials?

Are you tired of seeing your livelihood thrown under the bus by one attack after another at the polls?

Now you can be part of the solution from the comfort of your own desk in just 30 seconds.

By donating as little as $2 a month to the ACSS PAC with our online form, you can pool your resources with thousands of other state supervisors, managers, and confidential employees to support candidates and issues that will help improve your working conditions, your benefits, and your compensation.

Feb 7, 2014

SCIF tightens security with new measures

Referencing recent data thefts at Target and Neiman Marcus, the State Compensation Insurance Fund (SCIF) has revised its internal security policies.

SCIF will be introducing several new security measures, including a new notice that users will have to acknowledge and agree to every time they log into their workstations.

There are also to key new additions to SCIF's Information Security policy:

  • Prohibiting the use of State Fund computer systems for transmission of private information for non-business purposes, including your own.
  • Each Workforce member's responsibility to protect operation information (such as pricing models and adjusting procedures) intended solely for internal use by State Fund's workforce.

Finally, SCIF has announced that it will be developing its infrastructure and business practices in compliance with the "Privacy by Design" model.

Concerned that SCIF's new security policies may have an impact on your career?
Contact ACSS Senior Labor Relations Representative Nellie D. Lynn at

Feb 3, 2014

Mayor Reed sues over pension attack summary

San Jose Mayor Chuck Reed has filed suit against the California Attorney General's Office over what he calls a "just plain wrong" ballot summary.

Mayor Reed's ballot intiative - which would drastically alter California's constitution to allow elected officials to tamper with promised retirement benefits for current employees - was cleared for signature gathering by Attorney General Kamala Harris on January 6th, but Reed took issue with the official description of his pension attack.

Mayor Reed's ballot initiative had a troubled history prior to the lawsuit, losing one of its key supporters - Santa Ana Mayor Miguel Pulido - within weeks of its launch.

The pension attack will be sidelined from gathering signatures for the duration of the lawsuit, leading many to speculate that the initiative will not meet the constitutionally required number of signatures to make it on the ballot for a public vote.

Jan 31, 2014

President Espinoza and Gov. Brown discuss state supes

ACSS President Arlene Espinoza sat down to discuss the state's most dedicated and experienced employees with Gov. Jerry Brown and First Lady Anne Brown at a private dinner this week.

Throughout her two terms, President Espinoza has prioritized working closely with Gov. Brown's administration to resolve issues that have plagued excluded employees for years, particularly salary compaction.

Gov. Brown said that he has "learned quite a lot" about what state supervisors and managers do for California, and that he "appreciates experience" now more than ever.

During the dinner, President Espinoza led a toast in the governor's honor, thanking him for his work in turning around California's economy.

Read more about the dinner in President Espinoza's personal reflection on the event.

Jan 29, 2014

Speaker unveils CalSTRS funding plan

Assembly Speaker John A. Perez (D-Los Angeles) has unveiled a new plan to reinvigorate California's educator retirement program.

In his proposed budget, Gov. Brown estimated that CalSTRS falls some $80+ billion short of meeting its pension obligations, while Perez calculates the gap at roughly $71 billion.

Perez's plan would address the shortfall by increasing contribution rates to the pension system not only from public employees, but also from the state and school districts.

Jan 28, 2014

CalPERS earns 16.2% in 2013

Exceeding its projected growth, CalPERS has earned a return of 16.2% in 2013, a new report shows.

The 2013 Performance Summary details the gains, which CalPERS notes occured mainly due to better than expected performance in "stock, private equity and real estate portfolios."

Starting to think about your retirement?

Check out CalPERS' upcoming Retirement Planning Fairs for helpful info and resources.

Jan 14, 2014

Brown earmarks money to fix broken salaries

In 2013 ACSS worked with CalHR and the Legislature to push for equitable salaries and benefits for excluded employees. ACSS is calling on the Administration to provide excluded employees with the same level of salary increases that were negotiated for the rank and file employees they supervise for 2014 and 2015 in addition to special salary adjustments to correct identified salary compaction and establish a minimum 10% salary differential.

Though it is unclear at this time when a final decision will be made by the Administration on excluded employee compensation - due to the reliance on revenue "triggers" - Gov. Brown has apparently earmarked money in his proposed budget to fix salary compaction.

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