May 17, 2013

Gov. Brown's ultra conservative budget

Governor Brown released his revised budget on May 14th.

Though we expected the revised budget would be conservative, Gov. Brown seems to be anticipating a bleak few years for California.

In recent weeks, the Legislative Analyst's Office and State Controller John Chiang have stated that California is enjoying unanticipated revenues of $4.5 billion; however, Gov. Brown's new budget claims just $2.8 billion in revenues for this year.

Brown's budget focuses mainly on education spending, and largely avoids the hot button issue of state employee compensation, though the 3% top step raise for excluded and rank and file employees is still earmarked. Additionally, the budget confirms the end of the PLP 2012 program effective June 30th, 2013.

The budget will now be reviewed and adjusted by the Legislature. The Governor is constitutionally mandated to sign the budget by June 30th.

Both the summary and detailed budget breakdown are available via

May 16, 2013

ACSS urges CalPERS autism care change

ACSS has written to Gov. Brown urging him to end a DMHC policy that burdens state employees with autistic children with unneccessary costs and inadequate treatment.

Nearly 3,700 children of state employees enrolled in CalPERS-funded HMO plans currently are denied prompt and affordable treatment for autism due to an existing California law that forces parents to obtain an autism Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA) administered by a state-licensed therapist, when no state licensing technically exists for ABA therapists.

From the letter to Gov. Brown:

In order to comply with the DMHC's troubling rule, parents of autistic children enrolled in CalPERS funded health care programs must instead seek ABA from uncertified, but state-licensed, marriage and family therapists, psychologists, psychiatrists, and speech therapists.

Read the full letter to Gov. Brown for additional details.

May 3, 2013

CalPERS LTC premium hike on horizon

With a looming 5% premium increase for Long Term Care (LTC) policy holders scheduled to start in July 2013, CalPERS has released another official statement outlining various options for the 60,000 affected policy holders.

CalPERS stipulates that the change only impacts "Long Term Care Policy holders who purchased LTC Insurance between 1995 and 2002 with lifetime coverage and built-in inflation protection."

If you have any questions regarding your options, please call 888-877-4934 during working hours, or email your questions to

May 3, 2013

CalHR launches "Executive Perspectives"

CalHR's new "Executive Perspectives" series presents new conversations weekly with leaders in public service that provide some interesting insights for state employees in leadership roles.

The first Executive Perspectives includes candid interviews with State Controller John Chiang, Franchise Tax Board Executive Director Selvi Stanislaus, and others.

The interviews cover topics such as creating an environment of success and cultivating creativity among the employees you supervise.

Apr 26, 2013

Important PML re: additional appointments

CalHR released a PML this week announcing the end - effective immediately - of additional appointments for state supervisors and managers.

The PML outlines acceptable alternatives to additional appointments.

Furthermore, CalHR states that it will be reviewing current additional appointments and will contact individual departments as needed to discuss their findings and "an action plan."

If you have any questions regarding the PML or additional appointments, please contact ACSS Senior Labor Relations Representative Nellie D. Lynn.

Apr 25, 2013

CalPERS' State of the System

As part of their ongoing efforts to increase transparency and accountability, CalPERS has produced its first ever "State of the System" video address.

The State of the System outlines not only the financial health of the CalPERS fund, but also the organization's goals for the coming year and role in pension reform and retiree healthcare.

See the embedded video for the full message, or read this transcript.

Apr 25, 2013

Appropriations' preliminary analysis of SB 216

The Senate Appropriations Committee held a preliminary hearing on ACSS' anti-compaction bill - SB 216 (Beall) - on April 22nd, and has since placed the bill on a "suspense file".

Though it may sound negative, the action is not unusual, nor is it necessarily a sign that ACSS' bill will face greater hurdles from Appropriations.

Any bill with an estimated cost greater than $150,000 is automatically placed on the Committee's suspense file for a hearing after the Governor's revised budget is presented in mid-May.

Apr 16, 2013

New Lobby Day slideshow

Want more photos of Lobby Day?

Chapter 509 member Brian Adams created this nifty slideshow showcasing some of his own photographs from ACSS Lobby Day 2013.

Thanks, Brian!

Apr 16, 2013

ACSS saves confidential benefits at DRE

When Gov. Brown relseased his official Reorganization Plan, the Department of Real Estate (DRE) told its employees they would not be impacted, and that the plan was to move DRE under the Department of Consumer Affairs (DCA) in name only.

However, when implementation began, it quickly became apparent that multiple excluded employees would be impacted.

Your ACSS labor relations team requested a meet and confer with DRE, DCA, and CalHR in order to ensure no excluded employees' rights were being violated, and to prevent further misinformation.

Apr 12, 2013

New discipline guide for supes

CalHR has published a new guide for supervisors and managers who need to discipline employees who are not performing to their full potential.

CalHR's new Supervisors Guide to Addressing Poor Performance is available online for your review.

The Guide is broken into three key sections:

  • Preventive Phase

  • Corrective Phase

  • Formal Adverse Action Phase

CalHR's new manual is intended for basic guidance only. If you have questions re: employee performance or discpline you should contact your department's HR office.

And as always, if you are the target of discplinary action, you should immediately contact your regional ACSS labor relations representative for a consultation.

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